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Singapore Polytechnic

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여자이니까 Because Im Girl by 키스 Kiss - 키스 Kiss
FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Last Day of My Poly


Yesterday marks the last day of my polylife. This is the day which i all along hopping for. But i will definitely miss all my classmates that had been with me throughout all this 3 years. 3 years had pass so fast! I still remember the first day in poly where all of us don't know each other and it is also where we had slowly built up our friendship from. I wont forget all the fun and laughter that we have. All the best to all of you!


9:27 AM
Friday, December 10, 2010
To my beloved 皮皮

I just heard from my parents that my dog had gone to heaven on this Tuesday. Immediately tears filled up my eyes and just keep flowing down uncontrollably. My parents scared that i will be upset so don't dare to tell me till my term test end.

Thank you so much for your accompany throughout this 13 years.
You are always so lovely and adorable.
You had bring me so much joy all this years.
I will always remember the time when you are with me.
I will always remember your presence.
Hope you are safe and sound up there.
I will never forget you.


8:19 PM
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Everything doesn't seems right

School have started for 1 week and i failed my first csw assignments! For the past 3 years in poly, she is the first lecturer that is so strict. And don't treat us like poly students as well. As in, even when we need to go to washroom also need to ask for her permission and she may not allowed.


10:16 PM
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Back to Taiwan (:

Back to Taiwan since Tuesday. And suddenly have fever the following day. The medicine makes me feel so drowsy. Past few days have been sleeping for almost the whole day. Is like wasting my time here. The worst is that, don't know bite by what insect and cause me to have so many little red spot and is very itchy! Have so many medicine needs to take!


11:32 AM
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I am so tired!

I am really disappointed in the reply that i have get. It takes me so much courage to make the call and what i get is just a tone of reluctance and impatient reply. This is not the first time that i get this reply but i thought time will make things change. I guess i am totally wrong. You will always only see the surface of everything and make comment on it but never wants to even try to understand the reason behind. I always thought you understand me the most but it seems not the case. If you dont bother to know the reason i am fine with it but please don't give so much comment when you don't understand the whole situation.


1:16 AM
Friday, July 23, 2010
Looking forward for a break!

Feeling so much better after a cried out. It is always the best way to vent out all the emotion that you have, the stress that you are undertaking, the anger that keep running through your thoughts, the unfairness that you are receiving, the unhappiness that spoil your day, the problem that you are facing, the burden you are having and etc...
12:55 AM
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I need a break

Have been a really long time since i last update my blog. Nearly forgot that i have one. Been very busy since school starts. Many project, assignments, quiz, presentation, fyp and etc...
And i change new job too. I didn't know it will be so tiring although the job looks simple.

Don't know why this few days kept overslept and late for classes everyday. I guess i am too tired. Everyday told myself i have to sleep early but in the end still ended up sleeping late again.

Next week have 2 presentations and i have not prepared anything yet. Guess it will be a busy week too.


9:54 PM